In this podcast episode of „Sex in Berlin“ Nike takes you to Skirt Club, a global network for bisexual and bi-curious women with around 40.000 members worldwide. They also organize sexpositive Events such as play parties. Nike lately visited the Mini-Skirt “Bad Bunny” and talks about her experience and what “spin the bottle” in a BDSM dungeon has to do with it.
She also invited Vanessa who organizes Skirt Club events and already attended many of them herself. In this episode, she talks about the prejudices that bisexual women face, the rules at Skirt Club and the journey of exploring her own sexuality. And Lisa Opel, author and speaker and also a passionate Skirt Club lover, tells us about her first experience at Skirt Club.
This episode is all about the B in LGBTQAI. Find out more about how women use the Skirt Club network and what Nike’s conclusion from the Bad Bunny event is.
PODCAST EPISODE 11 – listen here
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Infos & Guests:
Sex in Berlin
A Studio36 Production
presented together with Lustery
Host: Nike Wessel
Editorial: Amelie Gante, Maike Bolsinger
Sound & Postproduction: Amadeus Lindemann, Steffen Mornhinweg
Cover-photo: Skirt Club, Victoria Dawe
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About Skirt Club:
About Lisa Opel:
IG: @pleasepinchmehard
About Vanessa:
”Vanessa” is an alias to make sure she can stay anonymous. – Podcast & more